Yoshitsugu Fujiwara

Yoshitsugu Fujiwara is a Japanese Technology Commercializations specialist, entrepreneur and lecturer at Waseda and Kagawa University. As the Managing Partner for the Asia-Pacific region for Aztek Global Ventures, he brings unique expertise in the fields of technology transfer, technology validation and market research for technology commercialization. Yoshi has worked for several international companies like IBM and Lightworks Corporation where he developed several key activities to foster the innovation culture within the companies. Yoshi holds a MSTC from the University of Texas at Austin and MIM from the Thunderbird School of Global Management.


Founder & COO, Aprendsoft

December 2007 – Present

Business Development Manager, Lightworks Corporation

April 2004 – May 2006 (2 years 2 months)

• New Business Development

• Marketing

• Incubation & Acceleration

• Contents Producer

• Intellectual Property Right

• Consulting Sales

Consultant, IBM Global Services

July 2000 – August 2003 (3 years 2 months)

• Strategy and Change

• Emerging Technology Business Development

• Inbubating and Accelerating Net Generation (dot com) start-ups

Marketing, Incubation, and Acceleration Specialist

1987 – 2003 (16 years)

• Strategy and Change

• Emerging Technology Business Development

• Inbubating and Accelerating Net Generation (dot com) start-ups


The University of Texas at Austin

MSSTC, Science and Technology Commercialization

2007 – 2008

Thunderbird School of Global Management

MIM, International Management

1999 – 2000

Waseda University

BA, Japanese History

1983 – 1987